All Alaska Troops Get a Free Round Trip Home Each Year Under New Policy

Live-fire exercise at the infantry squad battle course on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska.

Troops in Alaska can now fly home once a year, and the military will pick up the tab. The Army’s 11th Airborne Division is pioneering a new policy aimed at helping soldiers get home to see family at least once annually. The policy, which compensates soldiers for the price of a ticket home, applies to […]

2 Veterans Set Out to Make Trip to Arctic Ocean in 1931 Model A Ford

Jay Burbank takes a quick pause during his whirlwind packing and preparations for a 7,000-mile round trip he and a friend are taking to the Arctic Circle and back. He’ll drive about 1,400 miles of the trek in his 1931 Model A town sedan, honoring veterans and raising money for alternative-education graduates.(Kathe Tanne/Sacramento Bee photo)

Two adventure-seeking septuagenarians set out early Saturday on a 7,000-mile round trip from Cambria to the Arctic Ocean. Jay Burbank of Cambria, California, and South Carolina resident Charlie Enxuto will travel about 1,400 of those miles on the graveled Dempster Highway, driving a 1931 Model A Ford, a slant-window town sedan converted to look like […]