Veteran’s Ex-Wife Tried Hiding Divorce After He Died to Steal His VA Benefits, Feds Say

Veterans Affairs signage. (Dreamstime/TNS)

A U.S. Army veteran’s ex-wife insisted she was his surviving spouse after he died so she could steal his military benefits, federal prosecutors said. Miranda Rachel Briggs of Rincon, Georgia, defrauded the Department of Veterans Affairs out of nearly $130,000 after she tried hiding the divorce, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern […]

Army Soldier Lies About Grandma’s Pie Sales to Steal $41,000 in COVID Loans, Feds Say

Army Soldier Lies About Grandma’s Pie Sales to Steal $41,000 in COVID Loans, Feds Say

An active-duty U.S. Army soldier lied about earning $100,000 from pie sales to steal thousands in COVID-19 relief loans meant to support small businesses during the pandemic, federal prosecutors said. The soldier stationed at Fort Gregg-Adams in Virginia said he earned the income in 2020 by selling his grandmother’s pies through a business called “Granny’s […]