Army Cuts Popular Education Benefit in Half, Bars Officers as Costs Soar

The Army is dramatically scaling back one of its most generous education benefits, the Credentialing Assistance program known as Army CA, in a bid to rein in costs that could be one of the most consequential shifts in soldiers’ benefits in years. Introduced force-wide in 2020, Army CA was hailed as a groundbreaking complement to […]
'Ghost Town'? Historic Fort Leavenworth Homes Recommended for Demolition Soar to 185

Residents of Fort Leavenworth were upset at the news last year that as many as 89 of the garrison’s historic homes are seen as too costly to maintain and could be demolished. Now, The Star has confirmed, that number has ballooned to as many 185. Whereas the first 89 included grand, gabled homes built before […]
Military Obesity Rates Soar, Compounding Recruitment Challenges

Obesity rates among active-duty servicemembers doubled in the past decade, and antiquated policies and incomplete data have complicated efforts to combat the trend, according to a new report from the American Security Project. Military obesity rates across the active duty jumped from 10.4% in 2012 to 21.6% in 2022, according to the study, the findings of which […]