The Army's Fitness Standards May Shift in 2025. But How Much Tougher Will They Be?

U.S. Army paratroopers assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division Artillery complete the hand-release push-up event of an Army Combat Fitness Test during the Best of the Best Competition on Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

The Army is poised to recalibrate its fitness standards, redefining the physical expectations for combat-arms roles in 2025. Yet, where those minimum requirements will ultimately land remains an open question — one that could present an early test for President-elect Donald Trump’s incoming Army leadership. The proposed changes stem from a congressionally mandated study conducted […]

Army Shift from Brigades Back to Divisions Raises Concerns Among Retired Generals

Soldiers exit a UH-60M Blackhawk helicopter

Change is afoot in the Army: Divisions are returning to prominence. From recent reporting to rumors and offhand comments made during briefings, an image is beginning to emerge of the Army of the future. Bursting with enablers and officers, full general staffs, additional brigade and battalion headquarters with more staff, and funding, the divisional headquarters […]