Army, Navy Restore Webpages Highlighting Women's Service as Other Military Diversity Efforts Are Erased

The Army and Navy both have restored webpages they removed last week that featured the histories of female soldiers and sailors. The webpages for the U.S. Army Women’s Museum at Fort Gregg-Adams in Hopewell, Virginia, and the U.S. Navy History and Heritage Command’s site highlighting women temporarily were taken offline to ensure that their content […]
Army, Navy Pull Down Web Pages Devoted to Women in Military Service

The Army and the Navy have taken down web pages that showcased the contributions of female soldiers and sailors, an apparent response to President Donald Trump’s executive order to kill diversity initiatives across the federal government. The web page for the U.S. Army Women’s Museum at Fort Gregg-Adams in Hopewell, Virginia, was removed at some […]
Governors Identify 2 Soldiers Killed in Black Hawk Collision While Third Name Withheld by Service

Two of the three soldiers who were killed Wednesday when their Black Hawk helicopter collided with a passenger airline have been identified by service and public officials, but the Army on Friday withheld the name of the third service member amid online speculation of the identity. Chief Warrant Officer Andrew Eaves, 39, of Great Mills, […]
The Circle Makes Its Rounds: ‘NCIS’ Producer Chas. Floyd Johnson on Military Service and Hollywood Success

Chas. Floyd Johnson may be one of the most prolific TV producers of which you’ve probably never heard. The current executive producer for “NCIS” — the longest-running, scripted, prime-time show in CBS history, which just hit its 1,000-episode mark in April 2024 — Johnson is one of the first, if not the first, top-level Black TV […]
The 3 FBS Service Academy Football Programs, Ranked

Service academy sports are in a league of their own. Not literally, of course: Army, Navy and Air Force are all NCAA Division I teams, while the Coast Guard and Merchant Marine Academies are Division III. Despite their affiliations, none of these teams make much of a difference in the college football season. Before the […]
The Greatest Service Academy Football Lineup in Army-Navy Game History

Since the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, first started playing football in the late 19th century, it has posted undefeated seasons, claimed national championships and been the home of Heisman Trophy winners. Then there was the 1912 Army team — a squad that finished with a mediocre 5-3 record but might be […]
Army Recruiters in Miami Will Pass Off Paperwork Duties as Service Tests New Strategy to Boost Enlistment

The Army is set to launch a pilot program in January at two recruiting stations in the Miami area designed to cut through the red tape bogging down military recruitment. Recruiters there will concentrate exclusively on pitching the benefits of military service, leaving the paperwork and administrative tasks to other support staff. The dramatic change […]
On Veterans Day, Harriet Tubman Gets Formal Recognition of Her Military Service

The state of Maryland marked Veterans Day by commissioning one of its own, Harriet Tubman, as a brigadier general in the Maryland National Guard in recognition for her service to the Union during the Civil War as an operational leader and spy. Nicknamed the “American Moses,” Tubman is best known for shepherding 70 family members […]
Army Major Accused of Sexually Assaulting 20 Victims Released as Service Weighs Court-Martial

A highly decorated Army officer who has been accused of sexually assaulting 20 victims and faces more than 70 sexual assault-related charges was released from pre-trial confinement last week as his case begins to make its way through the military justice system. A military judge decided that “the government had not demonstrated that lesser forms […]
Army Sergeant Major's Chelsea Boots Turn Heads as Service Mulls Allowing Them for Rank and File

Every year, the “who’s who” of the Army gathers at the Association of the United States Army conference in Washington, D.C. It’s a chance for service officials to discuss the future of warfare and new efforts to take care of soldiers. But one of the top topics of the show wasn’t a new weapon, or […]