Army Set to Dramatically Grow Basic Training, Riding Recruiting High

The Army is set to dramatically expand how many new recruits it can send to basic training this spring, riding the momentum of recent gains toward reversing a recruiting slump it has struggled with in recent years. By April, the service expects to have 10 additional basic training units established across Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, […]
Surge of Female Enlistments Helped Drive Army Success in Reaching 2024 Recruiting Goal

Last year marked the first time in several years that the Army achieved its ambitious recruiting goals — primarily due to an increase in female recruits, according to internal service data reviewed by Nearly 10,000 women signed up for active duty in 2024, an 18% jump from the previous year, while male recruitment increased […]
Do Air Shows Really Help Military Readiness and Recruiting? Congress Plans to Find Out.

Lawmakers want the secretary of defense to brief Congress on how sending military aircraft to air shows affects recruiting and readiness, as well as study the effect of bringing those planes to smaller rural communities. As part of this year’s National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, Congress has asked the next defense secretary to brief […]
Army and Navy Prep Courses May Be a Recruiting Crisis Silver Bullet. But Other Services Aren't Interested.

The Army and Navy had early recruiting successes with new pre-basic training programs aimed at helping subpar applicants qualify for enlistment, but so far other service branches are reluctant to follow their lead. “I would offer the answer is ‘no,’” Brig. Gen. Christopher Amrhein, who oversees recruiting for the Air Force and Space Force, told […]
After Barely Meeting Recruiting Goal, Army Aims to Enlist Thousands More Soldiers in Coming Year

In a bold move underscoring its need to fill the ranks, the Army has announced a target of 61,000 active-duty enlistments for fiscal 2025, which started on Oct. 1. The ambitious goal comes on the heels of a year in which the service barely met its recruitment objective. Army Secretary Christine Wormuth unveiled the new […]
Prep Courses, Policy Tweaks Largely Drove the Military's Recruiting Success in 2024

After years of negative recruiting news and headlines, all the military branches managed to eke out wins this year and meet their recruiting goals — largely aided by new programs and policies that allowed them to sign up recruits who would have been disqualified in previous years. However, despite the wins this year, between ambitious […]
Army Surpasses its Goal for Recruiting Active-Duty Soldiers, But Just Barely

The Army says it has hit recruiting goals for this year following a military wide slump, a sign the service may be overcoming the struggle to build up its ranks as it seeks a commanding presence in the Pacific to counter China. Service officials announced Thursday that the Army enlisted 55,300 new active-duty soldiers, marginally […]
The Army Is Set to Expand Basic Training, Fueled by New Recruiting Momentum

The Army is set to expand how many new recruits it can send to basic training starting in October, as officials are confident the service is digging out of a recruiting slump it has struggled with for nearly a decade. Fort Sill in Oklahoma and Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri will get two additional basic […]
As Recruiting Rebounds, the Army Will Expand Basic Training to Rebuild the Force for Modern Warfare

WASHINGTON (AP) — Buoyed by an increase in recruiting, the Army will expand its basic combat training in what its leaders hope reflects a turning point as it prepares to meet the challenges of future wars. The added training will begin in October and comes as the Army tries to reverse years of dismal recruiting […]
The Army Bet $11M on The Rock and UFL Ginning Up Enlistments. It May Have Actually Hurt Recruiting Efforts.

The Army is seemingly having buyer’s remorse after an $11 million marketing deal with the United Football League and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. The high-dollar, high-profile deal likely didn’t lead to a single new Army recruit and may possibly have had a negative impact on finding new enlistments, internal documents and emails reviewed by […]