The Army Wants Congress to Supercharge its Barracks Budget to Fix Soldiers' Poor Living Conditions

The Army is eyeing a massive increase in its funding to maintain aging barracks and build new base housing for junior troops in one of its most dramatic single budget requests to Congress in recent years. In its proposed budget, the Army is seeking a total of $2.35 billion for barracks in 2025, a major […]
Army Eyes Privatized Barracks as It Struggles to Find a Solution to Poor Living Conditions for Soldiers

The Army is hoping privatization can fix the myriad quality-of-life issues facing its barracks, at least partly because it has few other ideas. In December, key service leaders had a barracks summit to draw up plans to get soldier housing back up to standards following months of media reports on rampant mold and other problems, […]
Arlington Horses Are Getting Improvements After Deaths. But Other Army Animals Also Face Poor Conditions, Review Found.

The Army said Wednesday it has a long-term plan to rehabilitate the horse platoon tasked with funeral services for fallen service members following the deaths of four animals last year. But a recent service-wide Army review also found poor conditions for horses, mules and donkeys maintained at various facilities across the country — the latest […]