Do Air Shows Really Help Military Readiness and Recruiting? Congress Plans to Find Out.

The U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron ‘Thunderbirds’ perform at the California Capital Air Show in Mather, Calif.

Lawmakers want the secretary of defense to brief Congress on how sending military aircraft to air shows affects recruiting and readiness, as well as study the effect of bringing those planes to smaller rural communities. As part of this year’s National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, Congress has asked the next defense secretary to brief […]

The 5 Top Concerns of Army Families – and What the Service Plans to Do About Them

AUSA Military Family Forum IV

Health care, housing, permanent change-of-station moves, child care and spouse employment were cited as the top five concerns of Army personnel and family members at the service’s annual meeting and exposition Wednesday in Washington, D.C. Roughly 500 soldiers, family members and Army civilian employees said the issues, along with operational tempo, were problematic enough to […]