Army National Guard Soldier from Indiana Dies in Non-Combat Incident in Iraq

Iraq Soldier Death

WASHINGTON — A 34-year-old soldier serving with the Indiana National Guard in Iraq has died in a non-combat incident, the Army said Monday. Capt. Eric Richard Hart, 34, of Indianapolis, died Saturday in Iraq, the Army National Guard said in a statement. Hart was assigned to the Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion of Indiana’s 38th Infantry […]

US Soldier Critically Injured in Noncombat Incident on Gaza Pier

A U.S. Army soldier guides a aid truck bound for Gaza

A U.S. soldier deployed on the Gaza pier mission is in critical condition after being injured in a noncombat-related incident Thursday and evacuated to a hospital in Israel, a defense official confirmed to Two other soldiers were also injured and have since returned to duty. According to the official, the injury occurred on the […]