Ex-Military Couple Hit with Longer Prison Time in 4th Sentencing in Child Abuse Case
NEWARK, N.J. — A former U.S. Army major and his wife accused of routinely beating their young foster children and denying them food and water as punishment have been sentenced for a fourth time. Carolyn Jackson was ordered Monday to serve nearly 12 years in prison, while her husband, John, was sentenced to 9 years. […]
Army Basic Leader Course Will Soon Be Longer and Have Graded Land Navigation
Soldiers aiming to get their stripes will soon need to brush up on their map-reading skills and grid plotting. The Army plans to increase the length of its Basic Leader Course, or BLC, in fiscal 2026, which starts in October 2025, Sgt. Maj. Jason Stadel, a service spokesperson told Military.com. Among the plans is adding […]
Army Noncommissioned Officers May No Longer Get Promoted Before Required Schooling Under New Policy
The Army is dramatically scaling back a two-year-old policy that allowed noncommissioned officers to be promoted before they attended an academy required for their next rank, according to a policy memo recently issued to the force. In January, active-duty enlisted soldiers and their full-time counterparts in the Army Reserve will no longer be able to […]