‘Combat Con Artists’ of World War II Who Hoodwinked Nazis Get Long Overdue Top Honor from Congress
All warfare is based on deception, Chinese strategist Sun Tzu once said. The battlefield flimflam practiced by the Army’s top-secret 23rd Headquarters Special Troops unit during World War II took that ancient advice to another level as the “Ghost Army” in the drive to liberate Europe. From D-Day to the crossing of the Rhine, the […]
After Long Fight, Army Recruiter Is Released from Service So She Can Return to Marine Corps
On Jan. 8, Gunnery Sgt. Julianna Pinder will don her Marine Corps combat utilities for the first time in nearly three years and report for duty to the U.S. Marine Corps after stopping first at Fort Carson, Colorado, to check out of the U.S. Army. Pinder learned Dec. 29 that the Army had awarded her […]
Medic in Black D-Day Unit, Long Denied the Medal of Honor, Gets Wide Backing for Nation’s Highest Military Honor
They haven’t waited in Normandy, or in smalltown Virginia, or at First Army Headquarters in Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois, to honor the D-Day heroism of then-Cpl. Waverly B. Woodson Jr., a combat medic with an all-Black unit who is under consideration for the posthumous award of the Medal of Honor. The visitor center at the […]
Unprepared for Long War, US Army Under Gun to Make More Ammo
SCRANTON, Pa. (AP) — One of the most important munitions of the Ukraine war comes from a historic factory in this city built by coal barons, where tons of steel rods are brought in by train to be forged into the artillery shells Kyiv can’t get enough of — and that the U.S. can’t produce […]