Army Makes It Harder for Commanders to Deny Soldiers Leave for Abortions

A Planned Parenthood sign

The Army has set new policies making it more difficult for units to deny soldiers’ requests to take leave to receive reproductive care including abortions, according to a force-wide memo. The strict new policies strip company-level commanders, usually a captain, of any authority to deny a soldier’s request to take leave and travel for care, […]

Army Secretary to Remind Commanders They Can’t Deny Soldiers’ Parental Leave

Christine Wormuth, U.S. Secretary of the Army, center, recognizes 4th Infantry Division soldiers

Army Secretary Christine Wormuth plans to issue a servicewide reminder that soldiers are broadly entitled to parental leave and that the time off can be denied only by a general, according to an unsigned draft copy of the memo reviewed by The memo comes after in recent months interviewed two soldiers who say […]