Former Army Officer to Lead Peterson, Schriever and Other Space Force Bases

U.S. Space Force Col. Kenneth Klock, Space Base Delta 1 commander

A former longtime Army officer took the helm of the Peterson and Schriever Space Force bases on Thursday, along with other installations in Hawaii, New Hampshire and Greenland. As Commander of Space Base Delta 1, Col. Kenneth Klock will oversee over 4,300 people, who provide seven Space Force installations with support services, such as civil […]

Meet the First Black Woman to Lead a Disaster Response Task Force Based at Fort Eustis

U.S. Army Col. Tanya McGonegal sits for a portrait in her office on Fort Eustis

Army Col. Tanya McGonegal was 25 when she experienced the first “only” in her military career. She was the sole woman in the June 1999 graduating class at Virginia State Officer Candidate School. The graduation set the tone for McGonegal’s 25-year career with the Army National Guard, where she continues paving the way for future […]

Army’s New Enlisted Leader: The Bet a Green Beret Can Lead the Rank and File

Command Sergeant Major Michael R. Weimer, Command Sergeant Major, U.S. Army Special Operations Command, presents a green beret

Sgt. Maj. Michael Weimer has effectively spent his whole Army career in Special Forces, and a large swath of that time in the secretive Delta Force. He has more than enough combat bona fides — three Bronze Stars and Joint Service Commendation Medal with valor, along with two Purple Hearts. On Friday, Weimer took the […]