Army Corps of Engineers Failed to Protect Dolphins in Spillway Openings, Lawsuit Alleges

Atlantic bottlenose dolphin

The Army Corps of Engineers failed to protect bottlenose dolphins and other marine life in the Mississippi Sound and Lake Borgne by opening the Bonnet Carre Spillway in 2019 without obtaining proper permits under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, according to a lawsuit filed Monday in federal court in Mississippi. The suit was filed by the cities of Biloxi, D’Iberville, […]

Tripler Hospital Settles Malpractice Lawsuit for $9.5M After Army Wife’s Botched Surgeries Led to Death

Tripler Army Medical Center

The U.S. government will pay $9.5 million to a military family to settle a medical malpractice judgment for a “botched gastric bypass surgery” in 2020. In November 2020, Julie Bond, a 31-year-old Army wife, underwent a laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure at Tripler Army Medical Center after being referred to the hospital’s bariatric surgery program by her primary care physician at […]