With Eyes on China, US Special Operators Are Back to Battling the Jungle

Jungle Warfare Training Center on Camp Gonsalves on Okinawa, Japan.

Read the original article on Business Insider. After spending more than 20 years fighting in the wars in the Middle East, U.S. special operators are pivoting to other environments. With the potential for a conflict with China in the Indo-Pacific looming ever larger in the background, the US special operations community is focusing more and […]

Army Soldiers Wrestle with Jungle Challenges in the Pacific

25th Infantry Division soldiers conduct pass in review during the division change of command ceremony at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.

Members of the Schofield Barracks-based 25th Infantry Division are training across the Hawaiian Islands and in the island nation of Palau this month as the Army continues to adjust its operations for the Pacific. On Wednesday, soldiers from the division kicked off the 2023 rotation for the Hawaii portion of the Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness […]