Homeless Vet Denied Voucher Says Healing Isn't Possible Without Housing

Homeless Vet Denied Voucher Says Healing Isn't Possible Without Housing

It’s difficult to say whether Delmar Dreaming Bear struggles more asleep or awake. Some nights, he dreams that the ground is about to swallow him. Other nightmares feature killers in pursuit. If he wakes, say, around midnight and doesn’t want to go back to sleep, his adult son may sit up with him until sunrise. […]

Fort Carson Housing Going Up as New Garrison Commander Takes Over

Then-Garrison Commander Col. Sean Brown points out improvements across Fort Carson

Fort Carson celebrated a new phase of housing construction Monday as it welcomed a new garrison commander. Col. Erik Oksenvaag took over the role similar to serving as a mayor for Fort Carson from Col. Sean Brown. Like a city leader, Oksenvaag will oversee large infrastructure projects such as updates to the electrical grid and […]

Lawmakers Look to Make Military Housing More Livable with Annual Defense Bill

Senior leaders check barracks facilities for mold at Fort Stewart

Barracks would legally have to be considered habitable under one version of an annual defense policy bill advanced last week by the Senate Armed Services Committee, a move that could set a new higher standard of quality for the housing. The on-base military housing is now exempt from the legal requirements of basic habitability imposed […]

Combat Infantrymen's Association

Christmas Raffle 2024