Maine Army Reserve Shooter's Military Records to Be Turned Over to Victims' Families

Lewiston sign at Veteran's Memorial Park

BATH — A woman who lost her son and husband in the Lewiston mass shooting was granted legal power to request the gunman’s medical and military records. Cynthia Young was made special administrator over Robert Card’s estate in Sagadahoc County Probate Court on Tuesday, almost a year after Card committed the deadliest mass shooting in […]

How Moves Put Military Families of Color at Risk

Moving boxes sit in the old home of a logistics flight commander in Las Vegas, April 28, 2020.

Jennifer Barnhill is a columnist for writing about military families. Moving may be a part of military life, but for families of color and other groups, military moves pose more than an inconvenience: They threaten their safety. That puts our nation’s readiness at risk. “There’s an unspoken known factor of places that are red-flagged […]