Not Just Silt: West Point’s Time Capsule Actually Contained Some Historical Artifacts

The 194-year-old West Point time capsule that was opened this week and originally believed to contain only silt produced a handful of historical artifacts, the academy said Wednesday. Six coins and a commemorative medal were found in the hardened silt at the bottom of the one-cubic-foot lead box that was pried open earlier this week. […]
West Point Opens 200-Year-Old Time Capsule and Finds … Silt?

Brig. Gen. Shane Reeves, broadcasting to the world on a livestream Monday morning, rattled off a list of possibilities as to what could be inside the nearly 200-year-old time capsule that was sitting center stage before the crowd gathered in West Point’s Thayer Hall. West Point had been building anticipation for nearly two weeks over […]
Ten-Hut Time Machine? West Point to Open Time Capsule Possibly Left by Cadets in the 1820s

A long-forgotten time capsule at West Point recently discovered inside the base of a monument and believed to have been left by cadets in the late 1820s is expected to be pried open Monday. The contents of the small lead box could possibly provide a window into the early, more Spartan days of the storied […]